Linggo, Oktubre 23, 2016

Genetic Engineering: The 21st Baby Designers

     Being part of the 21st century is a big challenge to us on how we cope up with this century. More High Technology was invented that gives big impact and contribution to the society. Example of these are Genetic Engineers or should I say baby designers. They conduct complex research and studies in order to change, to add and deletion to a baby's genome. The increasing power and accessibility of genetic technology may one day give parents the option of modifying their unborn children in order to spare offspring from disease or conceivably make them tall, well muscled, intelligent or otherwise blessed with desirable traits. Would this change mean empowering parents to give their child the best start possible? should we might allow them to design babies in the next generation? Or would it mean baby designers who could face unforeseen genetic problem?

   Genetic Engineering or genetic modification is the process of altering the DNA in an organism's genome, this may mean changing one base pair such as (Adenine-Thymine or Cytosine-Guanine), deleting a whole region of DNA, or introducing an additional copy of a gene. It may also mean extracting DNA from another organism's genome and combining it with the DNA of that individual. Example of this is a child that is genetically engineered in the womb to have certain desired qualities. During a pre-implantation genetic diagnosis or embryo screening, a Scientist would be able to tell what physical characteristics a child will grow to have; as well as wether or not this child is at risk of developing or will develop genetic disorder such as autism, down syndrome, Huntington's disease and many more. Designed babies are generally made through in-vitro fertilization where the embryo is removed from a women and is manipulated in a lab to have certain desired qualities and then placed into females womb to finish development. Genetic Engineering was done to be able to lowers a child's risk of developing many disorders and illness and they used this process to have a children that will be exact match to an order sibling that is terminally ill. But many people argue that it is unethical and unnatural and against the law of GOD while others argue that it is a way to stop certain Genetic Disease and it is also a way so that a child possesses a desirable traits. The advantages of this process are to increase a lifespan, can give a child genes that the parents do not carry and prevent next generation of family from getting characteristics/diseases while the disadvantages are termination of embryos, damage the gene pool and create a gap in the society.

   Genetically Modified Organisms begun in 1973 from bacterium to mice to foods and then to animals. Scientist says it is a helpful one but religions says it is not because why do they modified organisms such as babies eventhough it is a gift from GOD, it is inhumane. Geneticist are not perfect most of the time they cannot properly evaluate every gene. As a whole the answer lies within you, wether you follow genetic modification and agree with it or not.

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